Sharing Territory with Shiloh

This first week of Carol Resnick's Waterhole Ritual online course is about Sharing Territory with Shiloh, and well, yes Anya and Bill, as they are there too! I will be blogging about my days and how we progress with Shiloh and even Anya, Bill and probably Brego too, as I get into the feel of things. What I will not be doing is explaining the lessons. This is only for the experience of one such as Carolyn Resnick or one of her Certified Trainers. I must tell you, that it is truly a wonderful experience and she is so attentive to everyone. It is only the beginning for me, but already I know that I made the correct choice to choose this new path! Have a look at her website, read her story, you cannot help admiring this woman and be fascinated on how she connects with horses!

The horses are in their pasture, munching away on hay or pushing each other around to the next mound of hay. I sit in my little plastic chair with my laptop (haven't got an iphone! unlike my daughter) to listen to the guided meditations, and then my Kindle to read. I am just starting to read Linda Kohanov's latest book "The Power of the Herd" perfect timing!

The first day, everyone basically ignored my regal presence and was dozing under the star fruit tree, siesta time. So  I listen to my guided meditation and then stayed in this feeling and quietness for awhile. Observing the parrots fly by, a vulture soaring round and round ,high in the sky. At one point, everything was so still, that a little agouti ( Costa Rican rodent that looks something between a ground hog, a dog and a rabbit, very shy little creature) came up from behind me and sat behind my chair for several moments, I didn't actually notice his presence, until I started to look around. Well, at least he was paying attention that I was here! Actually it is about being quiet  and in the moment, making no demands.....we did just that, hence this little creature's interest in me.

The second day was a little drizzly, so I sat under the roof of the shelter. Again, Shiloh basically ignored me, however lil' old Bill came up to me and planted himself right in front of me and stared at me for 20 minutes, literally! So strange, Bill is very aloof and can even be standoffish,we adopted him, when we first got him, it was like the light bulb had been turned off, but he has been awakening slowly and seems more and more at peace. But this interesting action from his part, the connection he made was so intense. I felt a tingle, almost painful in my heart and at my temple, at first I did not relate it to him, but after I was sure it was coming from him. Was he trying to tell me, he had pain in these areas? It could well be, or was he connecting to me through my Heart Chakra and Third Eye Chakra, my feeling is more towards this. There is something about him that speaks of a wise old soul , who has been around awhile. He loves young children.

Third Day, have the flu and my body feels like a truck ran over it, my throat throbs and I have enough of a fever to make me feel miserable. Still, I wanted and needed to hang out with the herd. So off, laptop, Kindle, reading glasses and chair in arms , did I go!  This time I paid no attention to anyone, went about my meditation and reading the posts from the class, and then just sitting quietly enjoying the surrounding and breathing in the energy to heal my sad body who wasn't feelin' too good. Anya came up to me and then peed! Thank you Anya, please don't splash on my Kindle! Then ambled away. Bill looked up from his hay, and looked at me with tender eyes for several minutes, then went back to munching his hay, happy that Shiloh wasn't chasing him off it. Shiloh is the dominant one, and chases everyone away from the food, when he feels like it. Then Shiloh decided to drift by, looked at me,  scratched himself on the tree, looked at me again, then sauntered off. Anya decided she needed to smell my hair and check what perfume I was wearing (which was a mixture of essential oils for my flu and sore throat; Lemongrass, Meleuca and On Guard) she seemed to like it and spent some time breathing it in and nuzzling my hair, then off she went to find another patch of hay.

Sweet moments of quietness...

Now I am back in my bed with a hot tea of ginger and lemongrass and writing this post!

I will be blogging about my days and how we progress with Shiloh and even Anya, Bill and probably Brego too, as I get into the feel of things. What I will not be doing is explaining the lessons. This is only for the experience of one such as Carolyn Resnick or one of her Certified Trainers. I must tell you, that it is truly a wonderful experience and she is so attentive to everyone. It is only the beginning for me, but already I know that I made the correct choice to choose this new path! Have a look at her website, read her story, you cannot help admiring this woman and be fascinated on how she connects with horses!

An evening full of peace to all!

Terry, Kindred Spirits, Cahuita, CR


Little Boy Blue, Micki the "Foal Whisperer"


Happy Easter Beautiful World and Beautiful Beings!