Saddling Filly for 1st time!

filly with first saddle
filly with first saddle

This is Anoushka's first time with a saddle on her back! Nancy has done an amazing job with her. Anoushka is quiet and happy. She took it all in one stride, saddling up, walking around. "What else do you want me to do?"

Anoushka will be 3 this Christmas, a little Christmas baby. All her training has been done with love and patience. She whizzes through all the Parelli 7 games with ease. There is still time before she will be ridden, but all this ground work makes it so much easier for her to accept anything that Nancy asks of her. Nancy always asks, and Anoushka always says "Yes, sure!"  Well, almost!

Truly, Nancy says how willing and trusting she is. If only all horses in the world could grow up like this!

lowering head with horse
lowering head with horse

Lowering her head on voice command and putting her head up back by hand pressure on her cheeks.


Beachcombers in Cahuita


Wild Tropical 7 Day Horse Trek in the Caribbean, Costa Rica